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Anointed Tears of a Pioneer


The other night, as I sat with a spiritual daughter, something unexpected happened. A single tear slipped down my face, and when I went to wipe it away, I noticed something unusual—the tear felt like oil. In that moment, the Lord reminded me of a word I had spoken to her in a previous season.

I had told her that God was anointing her tears from the season of betrayal, heartache, and pain she had walked through. She has stood faithfully beside me in ministry—a loyal companion who has seen firsthand the challenges, the rejection, and the weight that comes with this calling. She often says, “I don’t want the spotlight. I just want to remain hidden.” And yet, even in her hiddenness, she’s carried the pain of ministry simply by walking beside me.

As I reflected on this, the Lord began to speak to me—not just for her, but for the entire body of Christ. He said, “Tell my people that I see their tears. I have captured every drop, and I am anointing their tears in this season.”

To those who have been pioneering in ministry, to those who have faced setback after setback, betrayal after betrayal—this is your word: Your tears were not wasted. Your crushing was not in vain. God has seen every heartache, every moment you felt abandoned, every prayer you prayed in secret. Some of you have asked, “Does God see? Does God care?” And I want to declare to you today—yes, He sees! Yes, He cares!

In Psalm 56:8, we are reminded that God collects every tear in a bottle. He doesn’t miss a single moment of our pain. He has seen your every struggle, your every prayer in the midnight hour. He’s collected your tears, and He’s ready to turn them into something powerful.

You’ve been through a Joseph-like season—betrayed by those you trusted, abandoned by those you loved, and left wondering why it all had to happen. But just as Joseph’s tears became the oil of preparation for his destiny, so are yours. God says, “The tears you’ve cried have been transformed into oil, and that oil will carry you into your next season.”

This oil is not ordinary—it’s the oil of His anointing. It’s the oil of restoration. It’s the oil that will heal the broken places in you and others. It’s the oil that will turn mourning into joy, despair into hope. Just as Isaiah 61:3 promises, “the oil of joy for mourning,” the oil that flows from your tears will bring healing, restoration, and empowerment to walk boldly into the next season God has for you. God is going to anoint your words, your hands, your calling, and everything He has set before you.

In this season, I feel the Lord urging us to remember the importance of how we treat others. Go back and read the book of Ruth. Ruth was remembered forever because of her loyalty, humility, and love for God’s people. But her sister? Her name was forgotten. God looks at the heart, and He sees the sincerity behind our actions. If your heart is filled with disloyalty, dishonesty, or bitterness, that will not go unnoticed either. The way we serve and love others, especially those in ministry, matters deeply to God.

This is a season of vindication. Psalm 91 will come alive in your life, as God’s wings shield and protect you from every attack. His favor will surround you like a shield. Those who have tried to harm you, betray you, or discredit you will see that God’s favor is still upon you. Just like Ruth, who in the face of betrayal and hardship chose to remain loyal, God is about to show the world His hand upon those He has called.

And He is saying to you today: “You didn’t go through all this for nothing. Your tears are anointed.”

Every betrayal, every tear, every setback has been working together for your good. Romans 8:28 tells us that “all things work together for good to those who love God.” Your season of crushing, of trials, of unseen tears—it was not in vain. God has been preparing you for the weight of His glory, and now is the time for you to walk into the anointing He has set aside just for you.

God is releasing fresh oil in this season—an oil that will heal, restore, and empower you to fulfill your calling. This is not just any oil; it is the anointing that will carry you through the next season with strength and courage. Just as the oil from your tears is being transformed, God is equipping you with His strength to go beyond what you thought possible.

This is a season where God is not only anointing your tears but also sending the right people to partner with you in the work ahead. Just as Ruth stood by Naomi, loyal and steadfast through every trial, God is bringing “Ruths” into your life. These are people who will walk with you through the pain, carry the burdens with you, and be there when it feels like the weight is too much to bear. These Ruths will be anointed with the same spirit of loyalty, dedication, and love for God’s people. They will not shy away from the hard seasons, but rather, they will stand firm with you, committed to the call and to the vision God has placed in your heart.

Just as Ruth’s journey was one of sacrifice, obedience, and ultimate reward, so too will the journey of those God sends to stand with you. God is raising up partners who will not only be there for the journey but will also be a catalyst for the next phase of your ministry. Just as Ruth’s faithfulness led her to a place of blessing, God is bringing people into your life who will walk in faith with you, see the vision God has for you, and help bring it to pass.

You are not alone. The anointing that God has placed upon your life is drawing others who will help carry the vision forward, lifting you up when you are weak, encouraging you when you are tired, and running the race beside you with unwavering loyalty and faith.

And so, as you stand in this season, know this: Your tears were not in vain. They have been anointed. The pain you have walked through has produced an oil that will heal, restore, and empower you. And now, God is sending partners to stand with you—Ruths who will walk beside you, support you, and help you carry out the purposes God has for your life.

You are walking into a season of restoration, not just personally, but corporately. The people God is sending to you are anointed to help you fulfill the vision. You will see the fruit of your labor in the form of loyal, dedicated companions who will see you through every season of growth, expansion, and harvest. Your journey of betrayal, crushing, and heartache has led to this moment—a moment where God is multiplying the anointing upon your life and surrounding you with faithful, God-ordained partners for the work ahead.Stay Steadfast. 

Sharell Barrera 

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I needed this ,this morning ..thank you Sharell and thank you Jesus

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