Drawn Out for Great Times of Glory
Growing up as a child my parents did not go to church often, but I remember the times I went, and that was enough to make me want to know Jesus more. There was always chaos and fear around me, but my heart always longed for Jesus. I knew He was there when I had nobody else. As a child, my favorite story in the Bible was Moses. I would make my mother read it to me over and over again until I knew that story by heart. My child mind was intrigued to learn about how Moses was drawn up out of the water by the daughter of a king.
This year, I thought back to that story and I heard the Lord say, "It was not a person who drew Moses up out of the water, but it was I, the Lord. I drew him up out of the water, I placed the dreams and visions in his heart. I put purpose and destiny in his spirit as I have in you and many more of My children."
This is the time and these are the years where you will see God's hand draw you out for greater times of glory. These are the "later" times. These are the days spoken of by prophets of old. "I am pouring out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams" (Acts 2:17).
Be ready. It will not stop. Nothing will stop this greater time of glory. Revival is now. Revival is inside each one of us being birthed into the nations for this time. Spirits are aligning for the release.
The Key to Greater Intimacy: Spirits Aligned with His Truth
Just this last month, I was invited to Portland for a TV interview at a revival prayer conference. The first day I arrived, my spirit felt heavy and tormented by all the principalities and witchcraft in the area. I could barely get through the first session because my body and mind ached with torment. I went home that night, put myself to bed, got up the next day, and something rose up inside me. I got on my knees and I started warring in the spirit! I prayed in my spirit language until the atmosphere around me shifted. Suddenly, I was caught up in a vision in the heavenlies, and I found myself running through fields of white along side Jesus.
As I was running with Jesus, my hands ran through the white flowers and they flew up behind me like dandelions blowing in the wind. Jesus looked at me and said, "The fields are white for harvest." I then knelt before Him as He placed a robe over my back, put a scepter in my hand and a crown on my head. He looked me in the eyes, and He called me daughter. He said, "You are royalty." After that my spirit just rose up, and something inside me came alive like never before! I came out of the vision and went back to the conference carrying the glory of God. Many things tried to come at me but I was not moved.
The Father wants this for all of His children. He wants our spirits to align with His truth and He wants us to see how valuable we are. He is releasing in this time, a grace for our spirits to align with the heart beat of Heaven. I believe in this hour a supernatural release of Heaven is happening, and our spirits are colliding with Heaven. We must remember to do our part.
If the Word tells us to prostrate ourselves before the Lord, it is for a great purpose. When we prostrate ourselves before the Lord He then can breath on us, and He can change and shift all that is warring against us. When we do this, it positions our hearts to receive greater levels of heavenly intimacy with our Father. I can hear Him so clearly in my spirit saying, "The fields are white for harvest."
A New Understanding of Purpose and an Outpouring of Glory
We are awakening to a new understanding and the children of God are starting to see open visions of their purpose, why they are here, and what they are destined for. It's going to be glorious! A few months back I had a vision of the glory of God breaking out in Hollywood; many well-known celebrities accepting Christ and an outpouring of God's Spirit in the entertainment industry. Also many people coming to Christ who many have been counted out and never thought well of. Christ died for them, and it is His heart's desire that none should perish but that all who call on His name be saved.
The Season of Ruling in the Palace
While I was writing my recent book, I was on a 21-day fast, and I was taken up in my spirit into a vision where I was standing before the courts of Heaven, petitioning the Father about people who have hurt me deeply and have done me wrong. The Father put His hand under my chin, and lifted my head to look strait into His eyes. He said, "ONLY look HERE from now on."
I know many of us have walked through these seasons of great hurt, trials and tribulations, maybe even being falsely accused like Joseph was. The amazing thing about being able to relate to Joseph is remembering that he went through such horrific circumstances, but the latter days of his life were the ones which he enjoyed to the fullest. Those were the years of celebration and great, triumphant victory for Joseph.
The Father does not let us go through situations to leave us there, but like a dad, He lets us go through these things to grow His strength in us. Many of you are coming out of the strengthening season to enter into the palace season, where the Father is just waiting to position you into greater places of influence. I declare restored strength, refreshing, and renewed times of wonder. Child-like faith will arise in you for these times of ruling and reigning in God's Kingdom.
There have been many of you who've been counted out, overlooked, underestimated and betrayed by family members you thought loved you. In this season the Father is saying, "I'm drawing you up, and I'm drawing you out. Write down your story and it will be heard. Look to Me, where your help comes from. I am with you. I will lead the way. I will walk beside you and strengthen you. I'm drawing you up and I'm drawing you out for the greater glory seasons!"
First published on November 19, 2018 on Elijah List