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Writer's pictureSharell Barrera

What Happens When God Roars

A Mantle of Victory and Mighty Strength

Last month, I had the most amazing encounter with the Lord on the way home from ministering in Portland, Oregon. I had a vision of myself in the throne room. The Father placed a flaming purple mantle over me and He said, "You will walk in more healing and deliverance."

I could also see in the spirit that there where many in the Body of Christ struggling and enduring extreme persecution.

I heard the Father say that you will be given a mantle for the very things that are trying to take you down and crush you. Where you have experienced pain, you will walk in healing to help pull others out of the pit. Where you have had people turn against you, speak against you or hurt you, God is raising you up to be there for others that have endured the same exact situations. Where you have experienced loss, I hear the Lord saying that He will use you to give unto those who have known the suffering of loss.

I declare that you will receive mighty strength from the Lord. I hear Him saying that in your weakness He will continue to be made strong in you. I decree and declare that this is your time of destiny and that you will walk in the power of His might. I declare that every single thing sent by the enemy will be turned around for your good.

Learning How to Roar

After the Father placed this mantle on me, we walked through this beautiful field where we came upon a large, beautiful lion. I could feel that He was restoring my child-like faith as I began to jump in front of the lion and I began to roar in front of Him. I was trying to get the lion to roar but He just stared back at me. Then Jesus started to laugh as I watched Him jump up onto the lion. He then looked at me and said, "Who do you think taught the lion to roar?" All I could do was weep and laugh at the same time. When He speaks just a sentence, I'm hit by hundreds of revelations.

I came out of the vision and the Holy Spirit continued to minister to me. I realized in that moment that the Lord was assuring me that I cannot do anything in my own strength. I feel that this is a "right now" word for those of us who are being called to take bigger steps, and to those of us who are being called out. To those of us who are being asked to pioneer His works, He is saying to remember that He taught the lion to roar.

He created each one of us, and He never promised that this life would be easy, but He is calling us to trust and know, more than ever before, that He is the author and the finisher of our faith! He is teaching us to ROAR in this hour, but we can only roar in His strength!

2 Corinthians 12:9, "But He said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My power is made perfect in weakness...'"

Listen for His Confirmation

These past few months He has been asking many of us to do things that have called us out of the comfortable places we are used to. I can hear the Father roaring like He is preparing for battle. He is getting ready to take out our enemy once and for all. We are also being called to do our part to partner with the Father. He gave me this important key to obtain breakthrough in these next few months:

In 2 Samuel 5:24 the Father spoke to David and told him to wait for the sound of marching in the tops of the poplar trees before he went out to battle. The Father wants us to be aware and He wants us to be listening for Him to give us confirmations before we step out, because when we hear the sound of His voice, it means He has gone out before us.

I declare in this season that the Father will go out before you in every single step the Lord calls you to walk in.

Isaiah 42:13, "The Lord will march forth like a mighty hero; He will come out like like a warrior, full of fury. He will shout His battle cry and crush all His enemies."

The Lord is roaring these words of victory over the nations right now. He is a mighty warrior and He is full of victory.

Keep Moving Forward!

I want to encourage you right now to keep moving forward. You have God's angel armies behind you, but most of all, the Lion of the tribe of Judah is roaring over you!

God's roar is breaking off fear, confusion, pain, rejection and the fear of man. He goes out before you and you are getting ready to see the bigger breakthroughs. I declare strength, courage and might over you right now in Jesus' name. I declare that you will rest in knowing that there nothing you can do in your own strength, but it's in His roar and His strength that all is being perfected. First published in September 3, 2019 on ElijahList

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