The Lord says, “I’m drawing a line in the sand. No more blending in. No more hiding. No more mixture. I’m exposing what’s real and what’s fake. I’m calling out the counterfeits, the wolves in sheep’s clothing, the ones who have been operating under My name but not in My Spirit. Watch their character—watch how they behave. By their fruit, you will know them. I have given many warnings and many chances. Now it’s time to separate the precious from the vile.
For too long, My house has been a place where truth and deception have coexisted, where the holy and the profane have mingled. But that time is up. I am cleaning house. I am separating My remnant from the impostors. The ones who have been playing church, using My name for their own gain, and leading My people astray with false words and fake signs—they are about to be exposed. I am a holy God. Who will stand on the right side? My heart is that all would turn from their wicked ways, but some have chosen not to.
My word stands true—watch this year as the witches and warlocks hiding in My house are unmasked. They will not be able to stand in My glory. They have infiltrated pulpits, prayer groups, and prophetic circles, disguising themselves as intercessors and spiritual leaders. But I see them. They have used smooth words, false visions, and counterfeit power to manipulate and control. They have called it ‘prophetic,’ but I call it divination. They have claimed to speak for Me, but their source has not been My Spirit. I am shutting them down. Every secret alliance, every hidden altar, every demonic assignment—I am uncovering it all. It will all be exposed.
Some have thought they could mix the holy with the profane, using My name while practicing witchcraft behind closed doors. They have cast spells in secret while raising their hands in worship. They have spoken curses while pretending to intercede. But I say, NO MORE. My fire is coming to burn up every unclean thing. The fear of the Lord is returning to My house, and those who have operated in darkness will be exposed by the light of My presence.
The warlocks operating in sexual sin behind closed doors are all being exposed. They must be held accountable, and pastors—stop making excuses for them. David was repentant, but these warlocks are not. Stop covering for them, or My people’s blood will be on your hands.
For too long, they have crept in to release witchcraft and divination over unsuspecting individuals. Some have been unaware of the weight they have been carrying, the battles they have been fighting, and the spiritual attacks sent against them. But I am releasing a greater glory to break the power of witchcraft, to lift the heaviness, and to restore My people. The sleepless nights, the unexplained fatigue, the warfare that has worn many down—I am putting an end to it. Many have felt like giving up, but I say to you, I am strengthening you, I am reviving you, and I am covering you with My glory. The enemy’s grip is breaking, and My people will walk in freedom.
PICK UP YOUR SWORD AND WALK IN AUTHORITY. The enemy is terrified of those who know what they carry. It’s time for the underdogs, the hidden ones, and the glory carriers to arise! Walk in your destiny! Just as many will be exposed, many will repent, and many will be saved. In this hour, witches will repent, and warlocks will cry out to Me! They will realize that My power is greater and they have been on the wrong side.
Revival will sweep through every city, every nation, every country, and prayer will be restored again. They will pray on the news. They will pray in the schools. They will pray at the capitols. They will pray in the White House. Prayer is being restored to the nation. The words ‘One Nation Under God’ will be restored
Sharell Barrera
