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Writer's pictureSharell Barrera

Prepare Your Chariots of Fire! Strongholds & Principalities Over Nations Are Coming Down!

Updated: Mar 8, 2022

There have been many trials for the Body of Christ here in recent days. But I hear the Lord say that He has a plan greater than you can possibly imagine.

Recently, I have been going through some extreme trials myself. I prayed a prayer for the Lord to purify my heart and get rid of anything that was not of Him. I will say, I did not expect for all the ugly stuff to come out that did. Sometimes, we go through life and we don't even realize we have stuff there.

I believe this is a season where the Father is calling us up higher, and in order to do greater things, we must be willing to be purified on deeper levels; even if this means taking the road of humility when we think we are right. It's a time to look at our own walks and our own hearts.

In this season, the Father has shown me that with Him, there are no sides for Him to take when brothers and sisters in the Body don't get along. He loves all of His children and He wants the best for all of us.

1 Peter 4:8-10, "Above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins. Show hospitality to one another without grumbling. As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, as good stewards of God's varied grace."

So we must remember to always look at ourselves before removing planks from the eyes of our brothers and sisters. Also, we need to allow love to cover us, and to cover each other in love in this time, as this is a great time of testing.

Chariots of Fire

Recently, as I was falling asleep, I was taken up in a vision. I could see the Father and the Son getting into a chariot together. They linked arms and, as one, were blazing across the sky. I could feel His love and excitement for things to come. Jesus had a huge smile on His face.

I was led to this Scripture after the vision I had. Genesis 46:29, "Joseph prepared his chariot and went up to Goshen to meet his father Israel; as soon as he appeared before him, he fell on his neck and wept on his neck a long time."

We have been in a time of purification and weeping, but the Lord is saying that He is bringing together sons and fathers for such a time as this. I hear the Lord say, "I am uniting strong spiritual fathers and mothers in the faith to raise up and birth a nation of strong warriors in the faith. They will be unmoved, and unshakable. They will be fierce, and the enemy will fear them greatly because these are a chosen generation of My sons and daughters that will be used mightily to cut the heads off of giants."

Strongholds, principalities, and religious spirits over the nations are coming down. They will fall like Babylon. The Lord will raise His children up out of the heaps of ash. They will be stronger than any enemy. They will have the fire of God in their eyes. Purity will define them. They will be the ones who carry the tangible glory of God's presence, for they will speak and miracles will come forth. There will be an acceleration on their words. These words will come to pass quickly.

Another Scripture I was led to was Isiah 66:15: "For, behold, the Lord will come with fire, and with His chariots like a whirlwind to render His anger with fury, and His rebuke with flames of fire."

The Father is going to handle the enemy and all of his plans. The fire of God is going to burn up all the schemes and plots in this season. Every time the enemy sets up a trap, he himself will fall into it (Psalm 35:8). So we have no need to worry about the things that are happening in the world. God's hand is on this nation.

Miracles, Miracles and More Miracles!

In the past two months we have seen more miracles on social media than ever before. On a Facebook Live broadcast, we sent angels into hospital rooms and to people in the ICU. Several people were healed and one girl saw the angels. We heard that physical healings took place as well as spiritual deliverances, financial miracles, jobs restored, or better yet, jobs offered! But most of all, there were salvations and mass repentance. People are hungry for the things of God! God is still moving and doing miracles in the midst of all of this.

You Have the Victory!

I want to declare to you today that God is restoring your hope. Whatever situation you're facing, I pray that the Lord sends angels of resurrection power over you, and I declare that you will be healed, set free, and delivered, in Jesus' name! I proclaim restoration and peace over your home. I declare over you that you will come out of this storm better than before. You will be rested and shown greater favor. I prophesy destiny over you and your calling. I declare that you will prepare in this time of rest with the Lord to enter your Promise Land. You're being refined and you are coming out better than before, purified as gold. You're coming out tested and true.

1 Peter 1:7, "Pure gold put in the fire comes out of it proved pure; genuine faith put through this suffering comes out proved genuine. When Jesus wraps this all up, it's your faith, not your gold, that God will have on display as evidence of His victory."

This has been a season of heavy testing of hearts. I declare over you that you will have a testimony out of the testing and trials, and your faith will be stronger than ever before. May the hand of the Lord bless you and take you to deeper realms of His glory and goodness, and may He saturate you in His love.

Gold has to go through the process to become refined and pure. The Father will purify you and put you on display as evidence of His love and splendor. You are so loved by the Father and nothing will stop the plans He has for you.

• You will have the victory. • You will gain inheritance. • You will be proven true.

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