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"Angels of Awakening & Revival Are Here With a Message"

Writer's picture: Sharell BarreraSharell Barrera

The time of testing for all of us in these last few months have been great. I know we have all faced challenges in this season of holding on and trying to remain positive with everything going on around us. I know for my family, personally, we have faced extreme challenges that have been hard to push through and overcome, but it has all been worth it. The one thing I truly love about God is that He always extends hope and redemption. His plans always turn out better than our own as long as we make the decision to keep moving forward no matter what it looks like.

I believe September through November are months of releasing the things that have been stirring in the hearts of people, and it will come to full term this season. New dreams and visions will come out of the turmoil and the ashes that people have walked through in this season.

Angels of Awakening and Revival

For over a year now, I have enjoyed painting prophetic art. My favorite thing to paint is angels. I had never really been into art, but last year people kept prophetically speaking over me that I would start painting my heavenly encounters. I sat on that word for months because I just felt it wasn't my thing. Then suddenly one day, I was out and I just had this urge to paint.

The last painting that I did, I asked the Holy Spirit what to name the painting, as I always do, and He so lovingly replied, "Awakening." So I posted this painting on Facebook like I always do, but to my surprise I was contacted by a pastor from Bethel. He explained to me that years ago before Bob Jones passed away, he prophesied about the angel of Awakening and Revival being released at the time of the billion soul harvest; the greatest time of awakening and revival the earth has ever seen! This got me so stirred up and excited. I had never heard this word from Bob Jones and I could not find any video of him speaking about it.

So then, about a week later, my husband and I were on our knees worshiping in our living room. When I closed my eyes, I had this thought in my head, "It would be so cool to see Bob Jones." Then in an instant, I saw myself standing before Bob and Jesus in the throne room; white was all around us and I could see them standing on steps.

Together, they put a crown on my head and Bob said, "I'm anointing you for the billion soul harvest of youth." I immediately said, "Me?" and I tried to argue because I thought that it was a huge mandate for just me. But then in Bob's "cowboy" voice he kept repeating, "The Eagle has landed." With my eyes closed I started laughing because his voice made me chuckle.

I came out of the vision but still had my eyes closed. I could see wings and the outline of the biggest angel I had ever seen in the spirit standing right before me. His wings stretched all across my living room. My spirit jumped. I heard and felt it in my spirit this was the angel of Awakening standing right in front of me. He said two words to me: "IT'S TIME!"

This is a message for us all! I was just sitting there, awestruck in the moment. I know we have seen a huge increase in miracles, signs and wonders, even on Facebook Lives. We have seen blind eyes and deaf ears open, cancers leave and tumors leave. But this, I believe, is the time we will see more like never before!

IT'S TIME! Get Ready for Miracles Like Never Before

On a recent Sunday, we had our second meeting at our Revival Hub here in Tri-Cities, Washington. That Saturday night, my husband had a dream that a man would come in a wheelchair, and that the senior pastors of the church would help us pray for the man and he would be healed.

On Sunday, my husband told the senior pastors about the dream. Then after worship, my daughter Taylyn ran up to me as I was preaching and told me that there was a man outside in a wheelchair who needed help getting inside. So I asked if people could go help him come in.

At our Revival Hub we have been practicing God's presence and allowing the Spirit of God to move freely, so we let the children help sing and minister as well. That morning when I prayed, the Lord had told me He wanted to heal the paralyzed. I will be honest, this was stretching my faith even though I had seen many miracles recently, and even though it confirmed my husband's dream. I repented and said, "OK, Lord. I know You can do anything." Then to my shock, a man came rolling into the Hub in a wheelchair. He was shot several times in the head and paralyzed on the right side. He had only been able to barely stand on one leg to get to the bathroom.

So we called up the senior pastors of the church just like in the dream. The man stood up and began to walk, after the pastor called him up the second time. He commanded him to get up and walk, just like in the dream! The man in the wheelchair even began to talk more clearly right in front of us. I truly believe that this was such a beautiful sign from God. It increased all of our faith that we were on the right track, that we should still be pursuing miracles, church services and teaching the community, no matter what is going on around us. This man also received salvation. We prayed for a girl who couldn't close her hand and she was healed as well.

Now there were people who came to the meeting who were skeptics, and they got up and admitted they had been skeptics, but after seeing God move in such a miraculous way they were forever changed.

I truly believe it is not a time to shrink back and bury our heads in the sand, but it is a time to pursue the Father now, more than ever before. It's a time to take a stand and it's a time to let go of what we think miracles or a move of God should look like. It's not about what we think or how we believe; it's truly about honoring the Holy Spirit and giving Him a platform. I'm excited to see greater miracles, I'm excited to have more encounters, and I'm excited to see this happen to you as well.

It's not just me that Jesus wants to commission, but I believe He is commissioning many at this time for the harvest! All you have to do is receive it by faith. It's your time, and it is time!


I want to release an impartation over you today:

Father, I declare that every person reading this article today will be radically touched by Your Spirit! I declare that You will awaken their spirits with Your love and encouragement. I speak resurrection power over you, and I declare that you will walk in a greater faith to see the billion soul harvest! I declare a fresh, new awakening over you, and that you will begin to partner with Heaven and the angels to see the greatest miracles of all time!

What are you waiting for? I prophesy to you today that no longer will you sit on the sidelines or the church pews but you will walk in your destiny! You will walk in your calling. I prophesy encounters and breakthrough over you on this day.

I never thought I would start a church or have a ministry. The Lord has done this all. He's done it for me, and He will do it for you.

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