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Writer's pictureSharell Barrera

The Trinity of Hope on the West Coast

The other morning while in prayer, my heart was in travail for the great states of California, Oregon and Washington. I felt the Lord wanted me to call them the "Trinity of Hope: States of Unity."

As I began to inquire of the Lord, my heart wept for these states. Over the last two years, these three states have been heavily oppressed, experiencing great torment from evil rulers over their regions. My heart was burdened and heavy, especially for the children. The agenda and attacks against our young have been very hard to endure.

California, You Will Rise Like the Phoenix with Fire in Your Wings!

As I began to pray, the Lord gave me a very distinct vision for California. I could see what looked like an eagle with fire in its wings, rising over the horizon of California. The Lord said, "California will rise with fire in its wings, like the great phoenix!"

I heard the Lord say, "California will come to Me with great repentance, for California is My precious stone. Upon this state I will usher in a wave of My Spirit that will bring the young ones to Me; even those who have been lost, abandoned, and confused. California is like My prodigal son who is returning to Me with great sorrow in his heart. I will celebrate California once again," says the Spirit of God. "What once was an ash heap will shine again and bring light to the nations. A revival well is bubbling up in this state.

"California, you are My beloved child. California, you will have a backbone. I will raise up great leaders of the faith who will stand and fight for the freedom of this state. I will multiply the days of California."

It will be for California just as it was for Job when he was in great distress. The Lord heard his cry and he rose again; even though he thought there was no hope and everyone had given up on him.

I heard the Lord say, "California, I am giving you a ring and a robe; a sign of My promise to you that hope will rise from your state. You will rise with healing in your wings. You shall live and not die, and I will restore to you everything the cankerworm has stolen." "And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, My great army which I sent among you." (Joel 2:25)

I declare to you, California: Rise! Rise up with healing in your wings. The youth and the young will begin to preach and prophecy in California. There will be a great youth movement, and it will start in the upper part of California.

I heard the Lord say that He is "giving the youth favor like Esther" to lead generations in this state. California will be known for its revival among the young. There will be children who have miracle ministries, starting at very young ages.

The Lord said, "California will also be known for a distinct cry, a whaling cry, a travailing cry, and a war cry that will come up out of California and be heard around the world. This will begin to send a shock wave to the nations.

"California, you will be a beacon of light," declares the Spirit of God. "You will be known for your heart and known for your love. For what is being birthed from California cannot be stopped; it has only just begun."

Oregon, You Will Ignite a Great Fire from Within!

The Lord said, "Oregon, I declare to you that you are a portal of revival." As I began to pray for Oregon, I could see a vision of Noah holding up an olive leaf. The Lord continued: "Oregon, you have been in distress. Many floods have tried to weigh you down with oppression, sadness, and despair—to cause pain to many who are without a father. But I am restoring you, Oregon, like a child reunited with his father. For the first time you will no longer be known as an orphan, for I am covering you with My mighty right hand. It's time for the floodgates to be released in Oregon. I am releasing My promise of peace over you. You will no longer be barren.

"Oregon, I say to you on this day: there will be a great reset in your state of fathers of the faith and mothers of the faith who will come out birthing the fire of revival!"

"When the dove returned to him in the evening, there in its beak was a freshly plucked olive leaf! Then Noah knew that the water had receded from the earth." (Genesis 8:11)

The Spirit of God said, "Oregon, I am lifting the oppression of witchcraft that has kept you bound, depressed, and saddened. I am releasing angels of resurrection power over Oregon, to remove the strongholds of the Jezebel spirit. For the dead things and the dry bones of Oregon will come back to life once again."

We will see a great hunger and outpouring from this state. There will be unusual miracles that happen here. The homeless and drug addicted people will be restored.

The Lord said, "I am raising 'Joseph's' in the state of Oregon to rule and reign and take back godly authority. Oregon will be a state to provide for others in a time of famine."

Stay encouraged, Oregon, you are not alone. Your weapon is your praise! Oregon, I declare that you shall become a state of praise. Your worship will be your weapon. Oregon, you will be known as the great 'turnaround state,' for much restoration is being released to you. Oregon, it's time to take back your land and your authority!

"Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God." (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

Washington, You Will Soar Like a Mother Eagle!

As I began to pray for Washington, I could see a large mother eagle hovering over the plains. I heard the Lord say, "Washington, I see you like Hagar. I have not forgotten you. I'm restoring your sight by giving you an eagle's perspective. I will keep My promises.

"Washington, you are a prophetic well of My radical outpouring! The grounds are beginning to cry out to Me; the grounds are beginning to shake in Washington."

The Lord continued: "For I have looked upon Washington with great mercy. I am removing the great divide of religion that has kept My Spirit from flowing freely in this state. Washington will be known as a state of prophetic seer voices who will arise and speak what I am saying over the nations. Washington is a state where the eagles will gather for My purpose—the anointed ones, like Samuel, whose words never failed. I am releasing, in Washington, voices that will speak with great authority and power!

"Washington will be known as My 'glory state,' for I am releasing My glory upon Washington."

I then heard the Lord say, "Keep standing in the fire for I am with you, just as I was with the three men in the fire. I declare to you that you will be a 'no tolerance' state, because you will rise up like a mother eagle who will not tolerate the harming of her young!"

I prophesy to you that you will be a well in the desert place; for those who are thirsty will come drink from the well of revival stirring in this place.

The Spirit of God says, "Washington, I am not done with you. Do not retreat, but arm up for battle. Use your words—your prophetic voices—to declare victory over the enemy!"

Washington will be known for a 'transference of wealth' boom. Many will come here to be restored and rebuilt. Washington will be like a burning bush in the desert where people will have great encounters with the Lord.

"Washington is a prophetic trumpet of My voice," says the Lord.

I was also given a vision of revival in the schools of Washington. God says, "I will restore the brokenness of this state like a clay bowl. I will form, with My hands, a beautiful piece of pottery that will shine for My glory. Washington, you are awake! It's time to awaken and take back your promises!"

"Saul and Jonathan—in life they were loved and admired, and in death they were not parted. They were swifter than eagles, they were stronger than lions." (2 Samuel 1:23)

The Lord says, "Washington, I'm renewing your strength. You will link arms with your brothers and unite together. You will be strong and lay aside your religious debates and disagreements; for you will be known as a state of great unity. I declare over you that you are a 'brother state.' You will be known as a place of great unity.

"I am surrounding you with my angel armies; shutting the mouths of lions sent against you. Honor one another to receive My honor. I am sharpening you like a beautiful diamond, smoothing out your rough edges; for you will taste and see that I am good. As David killed Goliath with a smooth-edged stone, Washington, you will see giants fall in your state. [They will be] replaced by anointed people like David; men of great faith who will lead with a great, triumphant victory!"

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